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Blogging can help your business in a number of ways. Every business needs to showcase their products. Every service provider needs to prove their services are worth paying for.

A website will market your products and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. A blog, either on its own or as part of your website, can demonstrate that you are an authority in your niche or industry who really knows what you are talking about, or that you have the skills and experience to create quality products.

Content Is King

Content is the main driver of successful marketing these days. The words on the page help your target audience find you. Whether they are using a search engine like Google, or a social site like Facebook or Twitter, your audience will use keywords to find you – and that means written content in all forms. This includes your video titles and descriptions, image names, and more.

Free Traffic

Search engines and social media provide free traffic. Great content on your blog will give them a reason to stay and to look around to see all you have to offer.

Blogging Can Encourage Engagement

If you allow people to comment on your posts, your blog can soon become a hive of activity.

An Invaluable Resource

Chances are if you have been working in your niche or industry for any length of time, you probably have a wealth of content to draw on. This can help your blog become a resource that people interested in your niche will visit over and over again. This also means links to your site, and sharing content from your site. It also means getting guest bloggers to contribute, to add even more content, and hopefully encourage their own followers to visit your site.

A Way to Build Relationships

People do business with people they like. A blog can help visitors feel they know you. With any luck, they will start to follow you because they enjoy your take on the topic.

Your Blog Posts Are Free Samples

If you plan to sell any kind of information product at all, your blog post will give a clear idea of the quality your customers can expect.

Blogging Software Goes Beyond a Regular Website

If you use blogging software such as WordPress, you will have access to thousands of free mini-programs called plugins. They add functionality to a site and/or change its appearance and type of site completely.

Blogging is ideal for traffic, lead generation, and sales. If you want to show you’re in the know, you need a blog.

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